I am Professor of Economics and Applied Econometrics at the University of Basel in Switzerland. I am also a Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London) and at CESifo (Munich), a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Urban Economics and the Journal of Economic Geography. I currently serve as president of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics.
My research focuses on tax competition, fiscal federalism and urban economics. My work is published in the Journal of Political Economy, PNAS, American Economic Journal, Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Journal of Economic Geography.
My research group at the University of Basel: → english, → deutsch.
- 31.08.2024
Andrea Ghisletta presents "Raising the Statutory Retirement Age: Self-Interest, Voter Behavior and Political Attitudes" at the Congress of the European Economic Association in Rotterdam and at the Irish Public Economics Workshop in Dublin → more - 03.05.2024
Artikel in "Die Volkswirtschaft" zum Anstieg der Wohnpreise in er Schweiz seit der Jahrtausendwende (von Lukas Hauck, Kurt Schmidheiny und Maximilian von Ehrlich) → more - 12.04.2024
Artikel in "Die Volkswirtschaft" zum Steuerwettbewerb unter den Kantonen trotz dem Nationalen Finanzausgleich (von Marius Brülhart und Kurt Schmidheiny) → more - 15.03.2024
Andrea Ghisletta presents "Self-Interest, Voter Behavior and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Swiss Pension Reform" at the 61th Annual Meetings of the American Public Choice Society → more - 14.03.2024
Prof. Kurt Schmidheiny an Podiumsdiskussion zu «Förderalismus und Demokratie – ist Steuerwettbewerb gerecht?» an den 16. Aarauer Demokratietagen → more - 12.02.2024
Andrea Ghisletta presents "Self-Interest, Voter Behavior and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Swiss Pension Reform" at the Political Economy Research Workshop at the Harvard University → more - 19.01.2024
Prof. Kurt Schmidheiny an Podiumsdiskussion des Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung zum Wohnungsangebot an der Swissbau 2024 → more
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